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Visual Solutions: An Eye for Solving Problems

Updated: Aug 15, 2024

Designed for Fundraising 

At Wingo NYC, our team of hands-on design consultants are obsessed with providing visual solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. That being said, working with clients over the years, we’ve found that many face similar challenges.

The good news is that we are here to help, we just launched our new design portfolio page with case studies of our recent design projects. Below are a few examples that showcase the range of our design work.

Browse our new portfolio page and read below to see if we've helped a client solve a visual problem you are currently facing. 

A Solution for Digital Design

The Ask: Design an eye-catching digital advertising campaign for display on LinkNYC screens across all five boroughs of New York that spoke to St. Francis Friends’ mission and work. 

Wingo’s Approach: In the same way that putting a face to a name helps you remember, putting a face to an organization does as well. We started by asking: What are we trying to say? How can we touch on St. Francis Friends' mission and leave viewers wanting to learn more?

We designed ads focused on St. Francis Friends’ residents, specifically Myrna. Learn more about her story here. The campaign drove an approximately 50% increase in daily web traffic over a two week period. 


A Solution for In-Person Events

The Ask: CASA-NYC’s mission is to ensure that young people involved in the NYC child welfare system have their needs met and rights protected and that children in foster care are moved quickly into safe, stable, nurturing, and permanent homes – with their families of origin whenever possible.

Wingo’s Approach: For several years, Wingo has provided fundraising, design, communications, and production support for CASA-NYC’s annual spring gala and fall luncheon (helping to launch the inaugural fall luncheon in 2018). The 2023 fall luncheon’s branding reflects the warm but elegant inaugural event.


A Solution for Print Appeals

The Client: Girl Rising

The Ask: Design Year-End Print Appeal materials that complement the client’s newly designed website (also a Wingo NYC Project). 

Wingo’s Approach: When designing Girl Rising’s new site our team wanted to create a space that enabled all visitors to easily navigate to and understand Girl Rising's mission and work. This ethos carried over to the Year End Print Appeal as well. The Appeal tells multiple stories through a strong brand identity and touches on the uplifting, bold, and hopeful spirit of Girl Rising. 



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